Please read and seek to understand the material below. Questions and programming exercises in light yellow will be discussed in class. Please write down enough so that you will be able to participate in the discussion. If you do not understand an exercise, feel free to skip it.

A Transformation Hierarchy

Often, in a 3D scene, it is convenient to specify the transformations of scene elements relative to each-other. For instance, items sitting on a table should move along with the table; items in a box should move with the box; and the transformations of the links of a robot arm make sense to write in terms of the transformations of their parent links.

illustration of hierarchy moving together
When transformations are defined in a hierarchy, objects move when their parent object's transform is updated; without a hierarchy, it can be harder for your code consistently update objects.

What is another examples of a situation where it makes sense to have a transformation hierarchy?

One way to implement this is to think of every object in the scene as having a Transform that indicates its position relative to a parent Transform. Indeed, such a scene graph (transformation hierarchy) is at the core of many 3D modelling packages.

blender UI showing transform hierarchy
Blender, an excellent (and open source!) 3D modelling tool. Notice the transformation hierarchy visible to the right of the image.

This document develops a basic implementation of such a scene graph in C++ for use in your games. This implementation is included as part of the 15-566-f20-base2 code as Scene.hpp and Scene.cpp.

Transforms and Parents

To start with, we'll need some way of writing down a 3D transformation. In so doing, we will also be (effectively) specifying / limiting the kinds of transformations our code can represent.

Almost all GLSL shader code you read will expect you to supply transformations as mat4 (4-column, 4-row matrices of floating-point numbers) or mat4x3 (4-column, 3-row matrices of floating-point numbers). It use these matrices to transform 3D points by using matrix-vector multiplication:

//vertex shader from ShowSceneProgram.cpp:
#version 330
uniform mat4 OBJECT_TO_CLIP;
uniform mat4x3 OBJECT_TO_LIGHT;
uniform mat3 NORMAL_TO_LIGHT;
in vec4 Position;
in vec3 Normal
in vec4 Color;
in vec2 TexCoord;
out vec3 position;
out vec3 normal;
out vec4 color;
out vec2 texCoord;
void main() {
	gl_Position = OBJECT_TO_CLIP * Position;
	position = OBJECT_TO_LIGHT * Position;
	normal = NORMAL_TO_LIGHT * Normal;
	color = Color;
	texCoord = TexCoord;

Let's take this opportunity for a quick review!

Notice that the Position attribute is declared as a vec4. If the GPU buffer containing positions only contains vec3 data, what value will Position.w have in this shader?

This shader multiplies Position by a mat4x3 to transform it into "light space" -- the space in which the attached fragment shader does lighting computations. Describe the transformations that can result from this multiplication:

Notice that the Position is transformed by a mat4 to get to clip space (the [0,1]^3 cube that is mapped to the screen by OpenGL). What sort of transformations can be accomplished by this multiplication, including the subsequent "homogeneous normalization" (gl_Position /= gl_Position.w) step that OpenGL performs? (Particularly, what does using a mat4 + homogenous normalization do that using a mat4x3 doesn't?)

So we could decide that since shaders need mat4x3 values, our Transform should contain exactly this:

struct PossibleTransform {
	glm::mat4x3 local_to_parent;

But these will be a real hassle for our game code to deal with. So, instead, let's use a representation that's a bit easier to edit:

struct Transform {
	glm::vec3 position;
	glm::quat rotation;
	glm::vec3 scale;
	//NOTE: transform order: position + rotation * scale * pt


This is much nicer. Rotations are now pulled out as a quaternion (see this note on rotations for why that is nicer), and we can write position instead of local_to_parent[3].

A simple inspection reveals that PossibleTransform contains 12 floating-point values while Transform contains only 10. So Transform can't possible represent all of the same transformations as PossibleTransform. What is it missing?

One sometimes talks about a set of functions as being "closed under composition." A set is closed under composition if -- for all selections of two functions f, g in the set -- their composition f∘g ("f applied after g") is also in the set. Is the set of Transforms (viewed as functions that transform points) closed under composition? (Why or why not?)

Now that we've got the basic transformation part of the transformation written down, we can finish it up by adding a parent transform (since that's the whole point of a scene hierarchy) and some helper functions to make matrices for our shaders. And we might as well add a name as well since that's good for debugging (and looking stuff up with):

struct Scene {
	struct Transform {
		//Transform names are useful for debugging and looking up locations in a loaded scene:
		std::string name;

		//The core function of a transform is to store a transformation in the world:
		glm::vec3 position = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		glm::quat rotation = glm::quat(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //n.b. wxyz init order
		glm::vec3 scale = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

		//The transform above may be relative to some parent transform:
		Transform *parent = nullptr;

		//It is often convenient to construct matrices representing this transformation:
		// ..relative to its parent:
		glm::mat4x3 make_local_to_parent() const;
		glm::mat4x3 make_parent_to_local() const;
		// ..relative to the world:
		glm::mat4x3 make_local_to_world() const;
		glm::mat4x3 make_world_to_local() const;

		//since hierarchy is tracked through pointers, copy-constructing a transform  is not advised:
		Transform(Transform const &) = delete;
		//if we delete some constructors, we need to let the compiler know that the default constructor is still okay:
		Transform() = default;

The to_parent/parent_to member functions write down matrices that convert from local space to/from the space of the parent transform. These involve writing down some matrices:

glm::mat4x3 Scene::Transform::make_local_to_parent() const {
	glm::mat3 rot = glm::mat3_cast(rotation);
	return glm::mat4x3(
		rot[0] * scale.x,
		rot[1] * scale.y,
		rot[2] * scale.z,

glm::mat4x3 Scene::Transform::make_parent_to_local() const {
	glm::vec3 inv_scale;
	inv_scale.x = (scale.x == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / scale.x);
	inv_scale.y = (scale.y == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / scale.y);
	inv_scale.z = (scale.z == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f / scale.z);

	glm::mat3 inv_rot = glm::mat3_cast(glm::inverse(rotation));
	inv_rot[0] *= inv_scale;
	inv_rot[1] *= inv_scale;
	inv_rot[2] *= inv_scale;

	return glm::mat4x3(
		inv_rot * -position

Based on the code above, in what order are scaling, rotation, and positioning applied by the Transform when moving from local coordinates to parent coordinates?

Think about some other possible orders. Why does this one make sense? (Or why not?)

How does one implement the to_world/world_to member functions? Recursively, of course:

glm::mat4x3 Scene::Transform::make_local_to_world() const {
	if (parent) {
		return parent->make_local_to_world()
		       * glm::mat4(make_local_to_parent());
	} else {
		return make_local_to_parent();

glm::mat4x3 Scene::Transform::make_local_to_parent() const {
	if (parent) {
		return make_parent_to_local()
		       * glm::mat4(parent->make_world_to_local());
	} else {
		return make_parent_to_local();

Quick sanity check: this code is depending on the glm::mat4(glm::mat4x3 x) constructor to fill in the missing row with very specific values. What are those values, and why are they important?

Go find the code that implements this constructor in glm (Hint: // -- Matrix conversions --) and paste it here to show that the values are correct.

Everyone Gets A Transform

Now that we have a transform structure, let's attach everything else in our 3D scene to one:

struct Scene {
	struct Transform { /* see above */ };
	struct Camera {
		Transform *transform;
	struct Drawable {
		Transform *transform;
	std::list< Camera > cameras;
	std::list< Drawable > drawables;

Notice that the Transform is pointed to rather than contained within the objects. This means you could have several Drawables all with the same transform (and also have a Camera attached to that transform). Convenient!

We can now sketch a basic drawing function which uses the transform member of scene objects to generate appropriate matrices:

void Scene::draw(Scene::Camera const &camera) {
	//NOTE: just a sketch; for full details read Scene.cpp

	//compute the projection matrix using the supplied camera:
	glm::mat4 world_to_clip =
		* camera.world_to_local();

	for (auto const &drawable : drawables) {
		glm::mat4x3 object_to_world =


		//OBJECT_TO_CLIP takes vertices from local space to clip space:
		if (drawable.OBJECT_TO_CLIP_mat4 != -1U) {
			glm::mat4 object_to_clip = world_to_clip * glm::mat4(object_to_world);
			glUniformMatrix4fv(drawable.OBJECT_TO_CLIP_mat4, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(object_to_clip));

		//draw the object's vertices:
		glDrawArrays(drawable.type, drawable.start, drawable.count);

Of course, this isn't perfect, but it's a good start. I address some potential concerns below.

Concern: DAG Cycles

We want the parent pointers to form a directed acyclic graph (really, a tree, since every transform only has one pointer). Any cycles will result in infinite recursion when calling, e.g., make_local_to_world.

Briefly describe (don't write code) how you could write a set_parent function that would ensure no cycles existed in parent pointers:

(Feel free to fall down the wonderful algorithmic rabbit hole of constant-storage cycle checking.)

Concern: Inefficiency

Note that the current implementation of the draw function will end up calling make_local_to_parent on each Transform for every descendant.

Briefly describe (don't write code) how you could restructure draw to avoid redundant matrix computations:

A Note on Memory

When you read Scene.hpp you will notice that the Scene structure maintains std::lists of various scene objects (Transforms, etc.). This is because it is convenient to set things up so that when a Scene is deallocated, all of the associated objects are also deallocated.

But notice that there is nothing that requires you to store all Transforms, Cameras, or Lightss associated with a particular Scene in these lists for various scene (and object member) functions to work properly. Drawables, however, do need to be in their list to get drawn by draw. Why?

Drawables Represent Pipelines

As a final note, I want to make sure you take a look at the real Scene::Drawable structure. This structure writes down everything needed to run the OpenGL pipeline and, well, draw a thing:

struct Drawable {
	Drawable(Transform *transform_) : transform(transform_) { assert(transform); }
	Transform * transform;

	//Contains all the data needed to run the OpenGL pipeline:
	struct Pipeline {
		GLuint program = 0; //shader program; passed to glUseProgram

		GLuint vao = 0; //attrib->buffer mapping; passed to glBindVertexArray

		GLenum type = GL_TRIANGLES; //what sort of primitive to draw; passed to glDrawArrays
		GLuint start = 0; //first vertex to draw; passed to glDrawArrays
		GLuint count = 0; //number of vertices to draw; passed to glDrawArrays

		GLuint OBJECT_TO_CLIP_mat4 = -1U; //uniform location for object to clip space matrix
		GLuint OBJECT_TO_LIGHT_mat4x3 = -1U; //uniform location for object to light space (== world space) matrix
		GLuint NORMAL_TO_LIGHT_mat3 = -1U; //uniform location for normal to light space (== world space) matrix

		std::function< void() > set_uniforms; //(optional) function to set any other useful uniforms

		//texture objects to bind for the first TextureCount textures:
		enum : uint32_t { TextureCount = 4 };
		struct TextureInfo {
			GLuint texture = 0;
			GLenum target = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
		} textures[TextureCount];
	} pipeline;

First, notice that all of the state needed to run the OpenGL pipeline is wrapped up in a Pipeline structure. This is going to become relevant later on when we will want to have objects that draw themselves differently in different "passes" (e.g., they may use a different shader or with different geometry when rendering shadows). In this case, we'll change pipeline to pipelines[PassCount]. Further, it's quite useful when you want to set up a bunch of objects with the same shader, because you can create a default Scene::Transform::Pipeline for that shader and assign it to all the objects, only changing the mesh-data-related fields per-object.

Second, notice that -- despite how many lines it takes up -- Drawable is pretty lightweight -- 80-ish bytes, depending on the size of a function pointer. You should think of them more as lightweight instances of the heavy geometry stored in MeshBuffer; it's okay to have hundreds (possibly thousands, though see that note on efficiency) of them in your scene.

This leads to a particular level/scene design strategy where you make a few simple objects and then use many many instances of them throughout the world. This is a good strategy for world-creation productivity, and I recommend it.